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Remuneration Policy


Remuneration Policy


This policy document defines the remuneration system and practices of our Board members and executives with administrative responsibilities within the scope of CMB regulations.

I) Board of Directors
The remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors of our Company is determined at the annual Ordinary General Assembly. In determining the wage, the factors such as being independent or executive, the responsibility they take in the decision-making process, the level of knowledge, skills, competence and experience they have and the time they spend are taken into consideration.

The remuneration principles of the members of the Board of Directors and the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors of similar companies are also taken into account in determining the remuneration principles of the Board of Directors.

The expenses of the members of the Board of Directors are covered by the Company. In the remuneration of the independent members of the Board of Directors, profit share, share options or payment plans based on the Company's performance cannot be used.
No loans are lent to the members of the Board of Directors and no loans are extended.

II) Administrators with Administrative Responsibility
The executives of our Company who have administrative responsibility are paid a fee approved by the Board of Directors. In addition, the executives with administrative responsibility may be paid a premium at the end of the year by the Board of Directors, taking into account the Company's financial performance and the contributions of the executives.

While determining ir Senior Executive Remuneration Policy Şirket in our company; The size of the company's production and sales activities, the extent of its activities, its activities abroad, its number of employees, its affiliates and their total weight, the level of information to be maintained for the activities, the characteristics of the sector, the conditions of competition and the level of wages of similar firms are taken into consideration.

Senior manager fees are determined by taking into account the management criteria such as the level of knowledge, skills, competence and experience required by the duty within the scope of the Company's diversity and volume of activity. Thus, within the Company, a fair, competitive market
fee system and application has been established.